Category: cooked vegan recipes

apple & rhubarb crumble

I was perusing the aisles of the store last week and saw a sachet of fresh prepared rhubarb. I love the stuff when I eat out but have never bothered to cook it up myself so grabbed it to see if I could make anything… Continue Reading “apple & rhubarb crumble”

homemade baked beans

I don’t eat a lot of beans but find that a hangover can be addressed in a healthy but satisfying way with a breakfast of baked beans! As much as I love Heinz tins I decided to experiment with homemade ones while I was in-between… Continue Reading “homemade baked beans”

sheperds pie

            When I left Boston just after the record-making arctic winter this year to come home to a Sydney winter I wasn’t overly happy… I do love my sunshine! That said, there have been many afternoons of lovely winter… Continue Reading “sheperds pie”

spicy kale

  This kale recipe is the business, and I can say this because I didn’t create it, just merely took over the preparation from my flat mate who originally engineered the idea because I’m between jobs at the moment (read unemployed domestic goddess) and the prep… Continue Reading “spicy kale”

nourishing breakfast cook-up

World, meet my breakfast. Breakfast, meet the world. I’ve been eating this a few times a week since I landed back in Sydney and am still in love with it! Granted, I also haven’t been working, but I won’t stop this nourishing indulgence once I… Continue Reading “nourishing breakfast cook-up”

stuffed poblano peppers

I can’t remember the last time I cooked something a little gourmet from scratch! My partner is currently working out of the country during the week so figured he deserved a home cooked meal before flying out again early tomorrow morning. It was a… Continue Reading “stuffed poblano peppers”

quinoa and avocado salad

With much gratitude, I am privy to delicious homemade vegan dumplings courtesy of my ‘sister-in-law’ (something that’s way out of my humble skill set) and other random vegan dishes when we visit. On Sunday, I was served up a super simple yet super delicious… Continue Reading “quinoa and avocado salad”

spinach and mushroom dip

Yesterday we had some friends over for to watch the football.  It was supposed to be so low key that we were ordering Indian takeout from the great place down the street, but I can’t help myself – I need to have food on… Continue Reading “spinach and mushroom dip”

breakfast strata

Labor Day brunch and a true labor of love worth every minute. Super-seasoned scrambled tofu, cashew crema, spinach, mushrooms, red peppers was simply a magical combination.

spinach vegetable pilaf

Yum! I just made a delicious omnivore-approved, vegan, gluten-free spinach and vegetable pilaf for dinner – took a little longer than expected but totally worth the wait, and you can easily put it on to cook and leave it mostly unattended. To be honest,… Continue Reading “spinach vegetable pilaf”