Category: meal plans (raw)

raw vegan meal plan #2

Oh my goodness! I had the best of intentions of doing regular meal plans back in April 2011. After one attempt, it seems I ran out of steam. And here I go again in light of my 2012 raw resolutions…! The challenge last time… Continue Reading “raw vegan meal plan #2”

I’m having a juicy week…

I’m tempted to explain my falling of the raw (and yes, even vegan) wagon on my Hawaiian vacation but if I’m being entirely honest it started before that and did not stop on my return to Boston last weekend. I have been eating cooked… Continue Reading “I’m having a juicy week…”

raw vegan meal plan #1

The numero uno rule for being a successful, happy, stress-free raw vegan is to BE PREPARED!! Have food at the ready AT ALL TIMES. While I know this to be true, I do tend to prepare food in fits and starts. This week, not unlike… Continue Reading “raw vegan meal plan #1”